ESP8266 ESP-01 WIFI Serial Module
With Free 8 Pin 0.1" Header Connector
Black PCB version with 2 LEDs &
25*80 EEprom (8Mbit / 1Mbyte flash)
Ideal for Arduino / Pic WIFI Projects
Or use standalone without a separate micro
for ESP-Arduno, LUA, or ESP-Basic
Connects to existing router, Create an access point or even both at the same time!
Wifi Client, server mode or both together.
Supports WPA/WEP/Open Encryption types.
Ideal for Arduino / PIC / MSP430 / STM32 internet of things projects
This module does all the complicated TCP/IP or UDP stuff, you just configure the wifi settings,
request a webpage and process the results, or send logging data to a server.
All communication with the device is done using AT commands through it's serial port
e.g. AT+RST (resets device), AT+CIFSR (display IP addresses), AT+CWLAP (list all access points in range) - Simples!! :-) :-)
See first link below for more info...
3V3 module
approx 25mmx15mm
Useful Info Here
Nurdspace ESP8266 Info
Electrodragon ESP8266 Info
Seeedstudio ESP8266 Info
Seeedstudio Getting Started With ESP8266
Example Temperature Logger
ESP-01 ESP8266 WIFI Module + Free 8 pin Header
- Brand: Espressif
- Product Code: ESP01
- Availability: 30
- 2 or more £3.60
- 5 or more £3.56
- 10 or more £3.53
- 20 or more £3.45
- 50 or more £3.38
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